Ultra Violet filtration
Most Homeowner's who live on well or city water do not realize what may be lurking in their drinking water. Here in Maryland If your are buying a house that has a well the lender requires a water test which consists of a test for fecal and coliform bacteria as well as nitrates if either one of these are found to be present the seller is usually required to either bleach the well or install a Ultra Violet Filtration System. Regulations may vary from state to state. In addition to coliform and fecal bacteria there are 4 different types of cysts that can be found in well and city water supplies and Ultra Violet or UV Filtration will eliminate these as well. One thing you need to know EPA drinking water standards in the US are very weak and it's up to the individual Home O wner to make sure their water supply is safe. Ultra Violet Systems are installed after the well tank so that all water passes thru before going to any fixture in the house. UV systems are 99.9% effective in killing bacteria as well as cysts and any other tiny creatures that you can't see in your household water supply. We usually recommend an 8gpm size unit or larger depending upon water usage for the average size home the 8gpm is more than sufficient. If you concerned about the safety of your water supply contact a local water testing lab and have them collect samples and do a test for fecal and coliform bacteria and if you have small children you may want to test for nitrates as well. You can usually get all 3 test done for around $100.00. if you have any questions or concerns please give us a call at 800 460 5810 or email us at info@midatlanticwater.net