Iron in Your Tap: The Health Risks and Home Damages You Didn't Know About

Iron is a naturally occurring element in the Earth's crust and can make its way into your home's water supply. While iron in small amounts is necessary for human health, too much iron can cause adverse health effects, along with damaging your home. Let's take a look at how excessive iron in your water supply can negatively impact your life.

Effects on Health and Well-being

Iron is an essential nutrient, but too much of it can be harmful. When iron levels in water exceed recommended limits, it can lead to health problems such as gastrointestinal issues and an increased risk of certain conditions. Iron overload can affect vital organs like the heart and liver and increase the risk of developing chronic conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The effects are especially pronounced in those who have a genetic predisposition to accumulate iron in the body.

Iron Stains in the Home

Excess iron in your water can lead to unsightly stains on your plumbing fixtures, appliances, and even your laundry. These stains can be challenging to remove and can even cause long-term damage. Iron-rich water leaves reddish-brown stains on porcelain fixtures, corrodes metals, and can even discolor clothes, making them look dingy and old. Over time, these stains can accumulate, making them harder to clean and eventually leading to permanent discoloration.

Impact on Taste and Cooking

High levels of iron in water can also affect the taste of your food and beverages, making them taste metallic or unpleasant. Cooking with iron-rich water can alter the taste and appearance of certain foods. For example, vegetables can turn a dark, unappetizing color, and beverages like tea and coffee can have a metallic taste. Even baked goods may become discolored and have a changed texture due to the effects of iron in the water.

Long-Term Home Infrastructure Concerns

Long-term exposure to high iron levels in your water can have detrimental effects on your home's infrastructure. It builds up in your plumbing and appliances, resulting in a loss of efficiency and causes significant damage over time. Pipes may become clogged with iron deposits, reducing water flow and leading to costly repairs. The lifespan of water-using appliances, like dishwashers and water heaters, can be significantly shortened due to the effects of iron build up.


Iron in your residential water can affect every aspect of your home life, from your health to your daily chores. While iron is a naturally occurring element, excessive amounts in your water can have far-reaching impacts. Keep an eye out for our series of articles that will provide in-depth information on each aspect of this important topic. If you'd like more insight on a detailed breakdown of iron filtration, check out our complete guide to iron filters.

We're Here To Help You

Don't hesitate to look to us for professional assistance. Our experts at Mid Atlantic Water have been helping customers make the right choice for their home's water problems for nearly 30 years. If you have any questions on iron filter is right for your home, we're here to help. Contact us however you'd like:

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